The grand library

The grand library is full of tales.

An infinity trove of stories you can read, inspire upon or even continue them.

The Infinity Books - #0

Just as Rea and I entered the cave it immediately got cold. I am scared she said ... should we do this? What if there is something dangerous inside? Do you see this? Hey, get down ... whats this strange radiating noise? I see a white ligh

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The First Seedstone

After a short discussion we ended up leaving the book closed. Instead we decided to change the room. 😏 The next day we decided to show the Book to Elysan, She is an Expert Librarian and knows about any book. Her Grandfather owns the Grand Libr

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The Last Seedstone

Hmmm do we open it together? Okay, lets do this, we open it and read a few pages and after that, we close it and put it back. Tomorrow we will show it to Elysan, she will know what to do with it. Ready? Ready. I love you. No matter wha

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